今天上了第一堂德文課, 不是教 A B C 發音, 而是一開始就從打招呼開始.
Guten Tag = Good day or good afternoon
Hallo = Hello
Guten Morgen = Good morning
Guten Abend = Good evening
Gute  Nacht = Good  night
Auf Wiedersehen = See you (formal way)
Traum (a上面有兩點) was schones (o上面有兩點) = Have a nice dream.
Wie heiBen Sie? = What are you called?(formal way, 公事上多用.)
/vi/  /haisen/ /si/
Wie HeiBt du? = What are you called? (informal way, 較親近的朋友用.)
       /haist/ /du/
Wie ist lhr Name? = What is your name?
           /ir/  /nam/ 
Wie ist dein Name? = What is your name?
bitte = please
DU or SIE? That is the question!
Use Sie with people you are not particularly close to.
Sie is spelt with a captical S wherever it comes in the sentence.
You can use Sie to address one or more persons.

Use Du to a person you feel close to,and to a child or a pet.
du is also used among young people and students.
du can only be used to address one person.
When you are not sure, use Sie.

In everyday situations where English speakers might immediately adopt 
first-name terms, many German speakers tend to prefer a certain degree 
of formality. For instance, work colleagues often call each other " Herr XX"
or "Frau YY" and use the Sie-form to each other.
B = ss (pronounciation)
usw = so on = etc..
ei /ai/  ---go for the 2nd 字母.
ie /i/    ---go for the 2nd 字母.
ich heiBe....= I am called ....
/iha/ /hais/
Mein Name ist....= My name is ....
我正在寫筆記: 所有名詞及 C 開頭的字都要大寫.
You - formal / informal
*   formal, Sie-form
Wie ist lhre Telefonnummer?      What is your telephone number?
Wie ist lhre Faxnummer?           What is your fax number?

*   informal, du-form
Wie ist deine Telefonnummer?    What is your telephone no.?
Wie ist deine E-Mail-Address?    What is your e-mail address?

Meine Telefonnummer ist....       My telephone no. is...

Herr = Mr
Frau = Miss, Mrs, Ms
0    null                     6   sechs
1    eins /ains/           7   sieben /siben/
2    zwei  /zvai/          8   acht
3    drei  /drai/           9   neun  /nauin/
4    vier  /vir/             10   zehn  /tzen/
5    funf -- u上兩有兩點.  
Beantvoorten Sie (die Fragen).             Answer (the questions)
Erganzen(a上面有兩點) Sie                 Complete.
Fragen Sie Ihren Partner.                     Ask your partner.
Horen(o上面有兩點) Sie (zu)                Listen.
Korrigieren Sie die falshen Aussagen.   Correct the wrong statements.
Lesen Sie (den Text)                            Read (the text)
Ordnen Sie zu.                                    Match up.
Schreiben Sie (mehr Beispiele).            Write (more examples).
Setzen Sie(die fehlenden Worter)ein      Fill in (the mixxing words).  --前面德語的 o 上面有兩點.
Uben (U上面有兩點) Sie.                       Practise.
Und Jetzt Sie!                                      And now you.

下個禮拜系上有歡迎茶會,所以沒辦法上課, 真是可惜. Thomas
也提供了一些學習德語的相關網站, 要不然我連最基本的 ABC都
不會發音,要怎麼上課哩! 只好利用這幾天學習囉!

對了對了,今天下午三點和我的 personal tutor 見了一面, 也是系上安排的,
獨聊天的英國人. 上課老師不算喔! 由此可知,WMG的亞洲學生有多多了,根本沒

今天晚餐到Jean 同學宿舍吃滷雞腿加台灣白麵,感動到一個不行, 差點想就在她宿

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